Dec 29, 2014

Bila nak JALAN nak...

Aha! post yang dikarang berkurun tu memang sah hilang..mano ntah poi'ee.. haha.. lain kali kalau nak nulih blog guna hp pastikan line chanteq ye.. Berbalik pada tajuk tu ha.. Al-kisahnya ibu ni dok risau bila adik Ra.ifa nak berjalan. Genap setahu aritu nampak dah berdiri cuba nak jalan.tapi sapia dah 1 tahun 4 bulan ni tak juga nak berjalan. Merangkak punyalah laju.

Mungkin ibu ni drama lebih..selalu dk rasa tulang belakang Ra.ifa time menyusu..kotlah kan sebab ape2 adik takmo jalan. Tapi hakikatnya nampak normal je sebab bukan tak jalan langsung..Adik Ra.ifa jalan bila ada orang sambut atau pimpin je..Adik gayat ke? kalau gayat camne ibu nak tolong eak.

Masa nak masuk setahun tu memang tak jalan..gigih ibu bawa jalan atas rumput berembun orang kata nanti cepat jalan..ermmpuas tak juga jadi..Pastu orang kata urut pun ibu urut tiap kali pas mandi..idok juge ..aterr..camne??

Last-last ibu pun google je lah..nurse kat KKIA pun dah cakap kalau 1 tahun 6 bulan belum lei jalan sendiri kena refer pakar. Ok sebelum refer tu kita cari-cari lah info so nanti tau lah apan ak buat kan.. Rujukan utama ibu mestilah Jadi ini info yang ibu dapat.

Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. Don't worry if your child takes a little longer, though. Some perfectly normal children don't walk until they're 16 or 17 months old.

After those first magical steps toward independence, your child will begin to master the finer points of mobility:
  • At 14 months, your toddler should be able to stand alone. She can probably squat down and then stand back up again, and she might even work on walking backward.
  • By 15 months, your child may be pretty good at walking. She may enjoy push-and-pull toys while she toddles. At this age she will walk with her legs fairly far apart and her feet pointed outward . This is normal and helps her maintain stability.
  • At about 16 months, your child will begin to take an interest in going up and down stairs –though she probably won't navigate them with your help until her next birthday.
  • It's likely your child will be a proficient walker by 18 months. She might like to climb all over the furniture, and she can probably motor up stairs – though she'll still need help getting back down for a few more months. She may try to kick a ball, though she won't always be successful, and she probably likes to dance to music.
  • At 25 or 26 months, your child's steps will be more even, and she'll have the hang of the smooth heel-to-toe motion adults use. She's also getting better at jumping.
  • By the time your child's third birthday rolls around, many of her basic movements will have become second nature. She'll be able to walk up and down stairs  with one foot on each stair. She'll no longer need to focus energy on walking, standing, running, or jumping, though some actions, such as standing on tiptoes or on one foot, might still require concentration and effort.
 Jadi ibu tak perlu risau sangat. Setiap bayi tu perkembangannya berbeza. Lagipun adik Ra.ifa bukan sampai tak lei jalan langsung..Tapi mungkin lambat sikit banding kengkawan seusia die. Dalam tak lei jalan tanpa bantuan tu, bab memanjat sepak bola tu hebat plak.tak padan ngan perempuan tau! Korang ada pengalaman cam kita tak meh la share.
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